The works on this site represent the evolution of my thinking over five plus decades. The primary objective of the works over these decades is to explore and define the concept of a cultural continuum, culture as defined by communal iconography that has survived in various forms for centuries. I have chosen to do this by creating works that exist in one of two broad conceptual categories. I call one Iconetic Consciousness which is a melding of traditional cultural symbols (icon), with the advances that science, especially information systems and AI (cybernetic). I call the other concept the Illusion Of Containment, the attempts of one group to subdue and constrain the development of another group by using “law” and “legal” means – the Justice System.

I am exploring how these scientific developments in the service of a flawed justice system will influence the cohesiveness of the culture. I address, with a touch of humor, how the systems – science and justice – interact and what this might mean for traditions and the communality of a population.

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